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What is Compass?

Compass is a new database being provided nationally to all Scout Leaders as a place to keep all their young people’s information safe and secure, and allow them to link it up to Scout’s progress in badges, awards, programme planning as well as having the latest emergency contact or medical details in one place.

HQ Compass information page:

Leaders: How do I use it?

Start by registering here, you will need you Scout membership number:

A full user guide can be found here:

Have questions or need help with Compass?

If you have any questions about compass, whether you are a parent or a leader, you can get in touch with the district team by emailing:

When will we be getting X feature?

Compass has only just gone live and there are still a lot of features yet to be included in the system. The two biggest feature requests are an offline mobile app and payments, both of which are in development amd we will hopefully be seeing sometime in the near future. If you have other suggestions the best way to feedback is through the compass forum:

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